domingo, novembro 21, 2010

Wiliamson não é católico, diz o Papa

"Benedict said in a new book, Light of the World, that Williamson was "never Catholic in the proper sense" because he converted from Anglicanism to the SSPX. "That means that he has never lived in the great Church" under papal authority, he said." In this book,  Benedict says he would not have lifted the 22-year excommunication ban on Williamson if he had known of his far-right views. The pope said the Vatican's poor communications in that row was a 'total meltdown.'

Não há dúvida - este Papa é um homem inteligente. A questão curiosa é a de saber quantos outros da SSPX não são verdadeiramente católicos - ou seja, todos os que integraram a seita dissidente sem nunca terem estado primeiro na Igreja Católica. Curiosa contabilidade.
Entretanto, alguns grupos pedem ao papa que volte a excomungar o nazi Williamson.

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